3. Yoga

kate DSCN2126 (53)With a sense of adventure, and a dash of the whimsical, classes often contain new and unique combinations, and sometimes evoke student giggles.  But this is usually balanced with a strong focus on quieting the mind as you turn inward and challenge yourself to find your own edge or your own stillness.

I hope to soon start a YouTube channel with themed practices, ranging from 5 minute Soft Kitty Cool Downs to 60 minute Hunger Game Power classes.  Stay tuned!

While hands-on classes are most beneficial, if you just cannot get to a class or do not feel comfortable there, yet still want that personal one-on-one teaching, video chats may be the way to go!

I have been practicing yoga for over 10 years, and have found enjoyment in practicing and teaching a wide variety of styles including:

  • Beginners/Intro to Yoga
  • Balancing Focus
  • Ashtanga Set Sequence
  • Flexibility Work
  • Power Yoga/Strength
  • Cardio Core Yoga
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Yin/Restorative
  • Yoga-Chi (my own blend of gentle yoga poses with the continual fluid movements, balanced with breath to help stimulate the energy of the body and enhance a deep mindful peace)
  • Meditation and Breathing Exercises

If you’d like a private class or series for yourself or your small group, send me an message!  If you have a larger group or business, Contact me about Complete Wellness options for Corporations.

I am also happy to sub at your studio if traveling in your area.

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