Guard Post

You decide to follow the man, after all, you haven’t seen other people in a while. And you really COULD use a bath.

As you approach the walls of a small town, another guard in his perch looks down upon you and your escort.

“Is that another recruit, Arthur?” he asks the man you’re following.

Arthur (or so it seems) stops with a surprised look on his face. He turns to you, and mutters somewhat to himself but also do you, “I dare say, it quite slipped my mind as I was just so happy to have found another person who may be able to help us!  But, as you do not know me, and I not you, I should have asked!  Did you receive our message with the password, or did you stumble upon us on your own?”

I have a password! Let me in and let me bathe!

I stumbled here on my own, but I’d like to learn more and see if I can become a helpful member of your village!