The Tavern of Tribal Eats

Amazing Art by Jorsch on deviantart.

Amazing Art by Jorsch on deviantart

The door squeaks loudly as you push open the door to the Tavern of Tribal Eats, and all eyes turn towards you.  It is quite the chaotic sight at first, but then a jolly old man makes eye contact, and his eyes light up as he smiles genuinely at you.

“Welcome, friend!  Have we met? I can never remember… you seem familiar. Have you been here before?  Bah, never mind. Come in, come in!” He waves you to a seat.  “We get many travelers here – and we serve all Dietary Tribes!”

If you’d like to learn about the different Tribes and what they mean, check them out here!

Or if you already know what eating pattern you want to follow, check out some recipes for your tribe below, or browse by category!   It helps save money if you come in to our kitchen and just make your meal yourself.  Come on back if you want to learn some Kitchen Basic! (link to cooking 101, terms, equipment, etc)

Healthy, Clean Eating





Elimination (No Wheat, Dairy, Soy, Eggs, or Added Sugars)



Breakfasts (in the traditional sense; but Brinner is great, too)

Feasts! (entrees, main courses)

Soups, Salads, and Sides (big, small, and in between)

Potions (Teas, Juices, Smoothies, and other things you quaff)

Travel Rations (Nutrient-rich Snacks, great for those in training!)

Tempting Treats (nutrient-low indulgences, well earned for celebratory days.)

Hodge-podge (Anything else. Dressings, spice blends, sauces, and miscellaneous fun)



