Guild Hall Commons

Hello, Traveler.

If you have been enjoying your visit to our Town, perhaps you would like to become a more permanent resident here!  You can continue visiting, or consider joining one of our Guilds and helping out the people even more.


FORERUNNERS: The Forerunners are our explorers!  You may have to run long distances to find paths, locate places, help hunt down objects. You’re not interested in being the muscle of the group, but having the endurance of a Clydesdale and can run all day! (Or, at least, aspire to working on endurance training) The Forerunners head out first, get the lay of the land, stay quiet and stealthfully sneak around obstacles, then report back what they discover. {for people who have a focus on endurance sports such as running, cycling, rowing, etc. Can be anything from 5K to ultra triathlons, the Forerunner focus is on endurance cardio work}


RANGERS: Lithe and lean, quick and agile, our Rangers sometimes hunt-and-gather for food, other times you fight for our safety. These guild members maintain a balance of endurance work and strength work. {for people interested in losing fat while preserving muscle, toning, and also doing cardio. Most exercises will try to work with body-weight exercises and not require equipment, but having some resistance bands or a few dumbbells or kettlebells can be beneficial.}


PROTECTORATES: You are our guards!  Protectorates travel with the others and provide the steady strength and power for the party.  Other times, the Protectorates remain in town and help guard against outside threats. They are strong, determined, and can move at lightning speeds when needed. {for people who want to build muscle mass, and typically will have access to standard gym equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, machines, or functional fitness gear such as tires and ropes. Some cardio work is done – with bursts of high intensity interval work – but balanced to not interfere with the primary goal of putting on muscle}


SHADOW WARRIORS: those whose physical art requires great coordination.  You swing through the trees, dive over obstacles, and compete fiercely.  You may spend some time working to train, but find that you get a vast amount of their experience and energy in the field, fighting for glory! {for people who participate in sports, martial arts, parkour/free-running, or dance.}


HEARTFIRE: Less physical, this guild balances their physical exertions with spiritual, emotional, and mental work. You are our healers, scholars, and guides, staying healthy and balanced so that you can help others and boost morale. Each Heartfire member must discover what their Fire is. For some, it is meditation or prayer; for some painting or writing; for others studying or volunteering. {for people who are shorter on workout time and want to put more energy in to life balance. They may be caregivers, students, busy employees, or simply find their priorities divided differently. While this Guild’s physical requirements are not as strict, they are asked to provide items such as healthy recipe links, stress-reduction ideas, and to keep dialogue flowing on the forums as they cheer on the other guilds and help with morale and motivation.}

(For now, you are only allowed to apprentice with one Guild. You may have several cross-over goals, but just pick one Guild to work with.)

