Roast Turkey

Who doesn’t love a giant leg of turkey, roasted and seasoned, and served by a Medieval Inn Keeper?  I guess anyone who avoids the RenFest…

Here’s a more tame recipe for simple turkey, which you can alter with herbs to your tongue’s delight:

Roasted Turkey

  • Servings: varies
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Print


  • Thawed Whole Turkey
  • Butter, herbs, seasonings of choice
  • Vegetables of choice (carrots, onion, celery good choice)


  1. Thaw turkey in fridge, takes several days
  2. Remove giblets
  3. Leave skin as is, or peel back gently and coat bird with any desired sauces, herbs, or other seasonings
  4. Add vegetables to the pan, getting some under the bird and some in the cavity
  5. Seal it up
  6. Cook at 350ºF until reaches 165-170ºF
  7. Let cool and enjoy!


    • Pre-boil carrots to soften them up before roasting, to allow for extra soft, extra flavorful carrots
    • Prop the turkey up on a few hunks of raw vegetables to allow for more even heating, and flowing of juices
    • Left over turkey freezes very well, so make in bulk and save.  Use in other recipes later, such as soups, stir fries, sandwiches, salads, chili, and more!

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It seemed like such a simple thing, to roast a turkey.  Imagining myself as Julia Child, I envisioned my family gathering around my table for the first Rockwell-like Thanksgiving dinner I would host, ooh-ing and aah-ing over the perfectly golden centerpiece for the meal.

But much to my chagrin, this picturesque ideal never came to be.  My first Thanksgiving dinner, the turkey hadn’t thawed completely – despite following the recommended times – leaving inner parts pink and frozen, and we ended up having to carve a half-cooked bird, and heat up the shreds on the stove top.  And it took forever, the poor guests quite famished by this time.  I felt more like Poultry Brent…

chicken brentSeveral years have passed, and hubby and I have now gotten the hang of this dish.  Since it is one of the 3 allowed proteins on his LEAP diet, we go through about a bird a week.  We have learned that our turkey NEVER thaws at the speed the tag says it will.  We give it a good 2 EXTRA days.

DSCN2561So after a long 6 days of thawing, here is our Mr. Gobbles in a pan, ready to go.

First you have to remove the giblets.  Basically, that means it’s time to get your Jim Henson on – shove your hand in there like an exited puppeteer, and diddle around till you find ’em.  Thanks to most turkey packing companies, however, these inner pieces are often already in a bag for easy removal.  Thank you, turkey packing companies!

(There are some benefits to eating these inner organs, but we usually give these as a treat to our dog.  More on eating like a zombie another day)

DSCN2565Once you’ve cut his heart out with a spoon (or just scoop it out with your hands), rinse the whole big bird.  Then it’s time to decide – do you want to season the skin, or under?  The skin is just a layer of unhealthy fat, so I don’t recommend it.  But it’s your Path, my Warrior Friend! Since we remove the skin before eating (but not until AFTER cooking), we do not rub butter ON the skin.  That’d be a waste.  Instead, we stick our fingers in there, and gently pry the skin off of the meat
DSCN2570thus leaving a pocket in which we put melted butter goodness (You can also add wonderful flavors with minced garlic, thyme, or other herbs.  But those are currently no-no’s for the LEAP protocol.)

Carrots are one of the few vegetables hubby is allowed, so we cut up a bunch of these.  They’ll get inserted in the cavity of the bird, as well as the surrounding space around Mr. Gobbles.  Celery and onions are other tasty options.  You may want to add some water to the moat as well if you don’t have a lot of veggies in there.  This will help with tender moisture for your bird.

TIP 1: We have recently learned that we like our carrots super soft after the turkey is done.  Sometimes, this doesn’t happen and carrots are still hard and crisp.  If you want them extra tender and filled with the rich flavor of the turkey juices, boil them separately before adding them to the roasting pan!  Then they are pre-softened, and absorb the flavors fantastically while cooking with the turkey.

TIP 2: It’s good to prop Mr. Gobbles up on top of a few hunks of veggies.  This allows for better circulation of heated air, and flow of the juices.

DSCN2577Time to seal it all up!

Oh yes, those are binder clips.  Keeping Mr. Gobbles covered helps hold in moisture, keeping him juicy and tender for your dining pleasures.

Then stick him in the pre-heated oven (350ºF) for as long as it takes to get the internal temperature up to 165-170ºF – usually 3-4 hours for our 13-16 pound bird.  We then take him out, let him cool off enough that we can carve into the tender, juicy meat, and enjoy! Nom!


Once Mr. Gobbles has cooled enough, we try to pick him clean, saving the meat in various tubs.  The bones then get turned into a magical joint-healing bone broth.  More on that in another post.

Nerdy Nutrition Tidbits:
Why This is A Warrior’s Weapon for Health

When possible, try to get turkey that is Organic and Pasture-raised.  Much like people, when we are in a better environment and give ourselves better foods, we are healthier.  The same is true for animal products.  But regardless of the farming practice, turkey has many health perks.

Turkey is a great source of protein, but also contains all of the various B Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folate, biotin, and choline.  It is also rich in selenium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and iron — all wonderful, healing nutrients.

Turkey may contain brain-boosting Omega-3 fats, but it depends what the bird got to eat during its life, so often the organic, pasture-raised birds will be the better choice for this.

Turkey has a lower ratio of fat-to-protein, so it is a good choice for someone needing protein but trying to watch their fat and calorie intake.  A mere 4 ounces of skinless turkey breast will provide 34g Protein, with only 153 calories and less than 1g of fat (8g of fat if you didn’t take that skin off!)  Other cuts of meat will have slightly different ratios, but are still usually good choices for most Warriors!




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Fuel Up, Me Hearties! Pre-Workout Eats

**In honor of August 16th being National Rum Day…
a pirate-y styled introduction fer ye!**


Ye lace up yer boots – er, sneakers – don yer effects, and rush out th’ door to get to yer workout. Ye start exuberantly, motivated, and energetic… but halfway through, ye start to slow like a laggard, and feel there just be no wind in yer sails.

Did ye skip a pre-exercise meal or snack, ye land-lubber?

Miss Elizabeth Swann, wide-eyed, shouts out. “According to the Code set down by the Pirate FNCE of 2015, you must give me 6 to 10 grams of protein with carbs before I work out; and Pirate ASCM says 200 to 300 grams of carbs in a meal; Pirate ISSN says 1-2 grams per kilogram…”

The pirates look at her with disgusted confusion. “We know the Code,” growls one particularly grubby pirate.

The Captain rolls his eyes at her, and says, “the code is more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules… Welcome aboard the Black Pearl of Nutrition, Miss Turner!”

Confused yet?

The topic of what to eat before exercise can be confusing. A multitude of different organizations, from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, to the American College of Sports Medicine; the Olympic committees, to The International Society of Sports Nutrition, all have their own recommendations for what you should consume before you go workout.

Thankfully, they all agree on one important point: do what feels best and works best for you!  They’re just “guidelines” from there.

(Note: if you are doing light exercise, or anything less than 30 minutes,
this may not apply to you quite as much)

pirates“Training Low,” or intentionally training in a carb-depleted state, is starting to be recognized and studied more. But currently, it is not a typical recommendation. (Speak to your coach or dietitian to see if this is an individualized approach that can safely be done for you, if you are interested) Normally depleted glycogen (carb) stores are associated with fatigue, reduced work rates, impaired skill and concentration, and increased perception of effort (it just feels so darn hard to do things you normally could do.) So generally it is recommended that you consume some proper foods before physical activity to help fuel you towards your goals of weight loss and/or muscle gain.

Having something to eat before going to exercise can greatly enhance your efforts. Eating some carbohydrate foods will give you fuel in your body to help push harder in your workout. A little bit of protein will help with muscle feeding and repair. Hydration is also key, as even mild dehydration can cause drops in your performance, which usually means fewer calories burned or less weights moved. Why not get the most gusto for your gold?

It is the amounts, timing, and form of food that are highly dependent upon your own preferences and tolerances. The goal is to provide enough food and fuel before your workout that you can achieve a top-notch effort without feeling hungry, but not too much nor too close to the workout time as to cause cramping, nausea, or other stomach distress.

If you eat 3-4 hours before you exercise, you may do better with a more meal-sized intake. If you eat only 1-2 hours before, a snack will usually do. If you don’t have time to eat that far in advance, a small snack or liquid form may sit best without causing cramping or nausea. Just make sure you’re not undoing your weight goals by consuming excess calories! Plan ahead to spread your food out around your workout time, rather than adding extra food, and find that opportune moment.

Pre-workout Meal Ideas:

  • Bowl of oatmeal with fruit or honey
  • Brown Rice and Veggie Stir Fry
  • Whole grain bagel with chicken and avocado
  • Salad topped with beans and corn or quinoa

Pre-workout Snack Ideas:

  • Handful of almonds and a cheese stick
  • Fruit and a ½ cup of yogurt
  • Slice or two of wheat toast with nut butter
  • Wheat pita and hummus

Pre-workout Drink Ideas:

  • Low fat milk or chocolate milk
  • Fruit and Protein Smoothie
  • Meal-replacement drink that includes 15-30g Carbohydrate

Bonus Boost: having coffee about an hour before a workout has been shown to boost results! Caffeine is a common aid to help increase time to exhaustion in an aerobic endurance exercise session, decrease ratings of perceived exertion, and improve physical performance even during periods of sleep deprivation.

And, to paraphrase Jack Sparrow:
I think we’ve all arrived at a very special place. Spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically, and nutritionally. Eat up me hearties, yo ho!


Dunford, Marie; Macedonio, Michele. “A Step-by-step Process for Helping Athletes Achieve Optimal Performance Weight and Body Composition.” Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo. Nashville, TN. 4 Oct 2015. Conference Presentation.

Patgieter, S. “Sports Nutrition: A review of the latest guidelines for exercise and sport nutrition from the American College of Sport and Nutrition, the International Olympic Committee and the International Society for Sports Science” S Afr Journal of Clinical Nutrition 26.1 (2013). 6-16. Print.

“Position of the Amercian Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance” Journal of the American Dietetic Association. March. 109.3 (2009): 509-527. Print.

Campbell, Bill I., Spano, Marie A. NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition. 2011. Book.

American College of Sports Medicine, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, a Joint Position Statement. “Nutrition and Athletic Performance.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. (2016) 543-568. Print.

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Recipe: Better Than Gruel – Overnight Oatmeal Meals

The hunched innkeeper lazily glances at you out of his one good eye as you take your seat.  It’s a hard seat in a dingy inn.  But you guess you got what you paid for.
“I should like the breakfast that comes free for the room I paid for,” you say brightly.
His head bobbles as he barks a quick, bitter laugh.  With a greasy ladle, he slops a thin porridge into a bowl, and slides it to you, liquid spilling over the edges.
Sighing, you grab your spoon and inspect the meager meal.  Gruel again.

No more of this!  You, my Warrior friend, deserve a better breakfast!  Something hearty, something tasty, and better gruel to fuel you for your adventures!

cake batter oats


Overnight Oatmeal rumors have spread far and wide, little messenger pigeons carrying the secret recipes too and fro (and it’s been all the rage on Pinterest.)  There’s good reason for it.  It’s quick, filling, tasty, and has seemingly limitless variations to please any palette.

I love this as a quick breakfast after my workouts – sometimes I add protein powder to give it that extra amino boost for helping with muscle recovery.

My base is always 1/2 cup steel-cut oats and 1 Tbs chia seeds.  But you can skip the chia, and still have a fantastic meal.  Beyond the base, it can be any flavor combination you think of!  Then pour in enough liquid (milk, soy milk, almond milk, whatever you prefer – dare you try your favorite juice?) to allow for doubling of the oat size.  I used vanilla soymilk, so it was sweetened already.  If you use plain flavors, you may want to add some sweetener to it (honey, agave, xylitol, date puree, etc.  White processed sugar is my last resort, but a good transitional step.)

Pictured above is my “cake batter” version

Overnight Oatmeal: Cake Batter

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: super easy
  • Print


  • DSCN18661/2 cup oats
  • 1 Tbs chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 Tbs ground flax (optional)
  • 1 cup vanilla soy milk
  • 1 tsp butter flavoring
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Place everything in glass jar, adding more milk if needed, to ensure enough space for oats to at least double.  Seal on the lid.
  2. Shake it all together (or stir)
  3. Let it soak over night in the refrigerator.
  4. The next morning, stir it up, and top it off with sprinkles for fun!


  • A glass jar that you can cover is best.  Plastic can leech into your food, leaving chemicals and a bad taste.  Uncovered, and your food may absorb flavors or odors from other foods or the refrigerator itself.

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And so many other fun options!  I hope you’ll play with variety.

Overnight Oatmeal: Kiwi-Strawberry

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: super easy
  • Print


  • 1/2 cup oatsKiwi Strawberry, Chocolate Chocolate Chip
  • 1 Tbs chia (optional)
  • 1 -2 Tbs hemp seeds (optional)
  • 1 diced kiwi
  • 3-4 sliced frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup vanilla soy milk


  1. Place everything in glass jar, adding more milk if needed, to ensure enough space for oats to at least double.  Seal on the lid.
  2. Shake it all together (or stir)
  3. Let it soak over night in the refrigerator.
  4. The next morning, stir it up, and enjoy!


  • A glass jar that you can cover is best.  Plastic can leech into your food, leaving chemicals and a bad taste.  Uncovered, and your food may absorb flavors or odors from other foods or the refrigerator itself.

find more gamer foods, fit for warriors, at

Or my current favorite:

Overnight Oatmeal: Cocoa Chip

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: super easy
  • Print


  • 1/2 cup oatsKiwi Strawberry, Chocolate Chocolate Chip
  • 1 Tbs chia (optional)
  • 1 Tbs flax (optional)
  • 1 Tbs dark cocoa powder
  • 1 Tbs carob chips (you can use chocolate chips, but they’re usually less healthy)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup vanilla soy milk


  1. Place everything in glass jar, adding more milk if needed, to ensure enough space for oats to at least double.  Seal on the lid.
  2. Shake it all together (or stir)
  3. Let it soak over night in the refrigerator.
  4. The next morning, stir it up, and enjoy!


  • A glass jar that you can cover is best.  Plastic can leech into your food, leaving chemicals and a bad taste.  Uncovered, and your food may absorb flavors or odors from other foods or the refrigerator itself.

find more gamer foods, fit for warriors, at

I would love to know what other ideas you try!

Raisins and walnuts? Nutmeg and pumpkin pie puree? Raspberry and mint?  Pineapple and ginger?  Rosemary, maple, and pecans? So many options, so few breakfasts.

Nerdy Nutrition Tidbits:
Why This is A Warrior’s Weapon for Health

All of the different fruits and most add-ins have benefits, as does the milk (soy, almond, cow, or otherwise)  So to save time, let’s just look at the Geek-tails (details) of the benefits of Oatmeal!

Oats are magical little grains that help lower cholesterol and provide protection to your heart and prevent heart failure.  They may also help increase your immune system, they stabilize blood sugars, and lower your risk for Type 2 Diabetes (just don’t load your power house porridge with sugar!)  If that’s not enough, oats also protect your body against cancer.

One little quarter cup (1/4 c.) is an excellent source of Manganese and Molybdenum; a very good source of Phosphorous; and a good source of a number of different vitamins and minerals, including copper, Vit B1, biotin, fiber, chromium, protein, and more!

(How ratings work, based on rankings)



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Really Impressive Title +3

RD, RYT, CPT — Kate, the Slayer of Scrawniness; the Fighter of Fat and Fatigue; Destroyer of Desk-Job Dumpiness!
My title, whispered in the dark underbellies of chat rooms, and feared by fatty deposits… I will vanquish the evils of overweight!

(or so I can dream)

Really_Impressive_TitleOn my journey to uncover the secrets of back pain, I have been reading through the chapters in an old Personal Training book on the Kinetic Chain: how everything in the body is linked – muscles, nerves, bones – and when one thing is imbalanced, or misaligned, or used incorrectly, it can throw everything else out of whack.  And it has been fascinating!  Imagine that a past sprained ankle could be the cause of low back pain or maybe even shoulder problems!  That it makes a difference to your back during a lying spinal twist if you have your palms facing up or down.

The chain from muscle to joint to the next muscle runs through the entire body, and effects ripple along the waves of nervous impulses and joints placement.

I was so enthralled by what I was learning, and noticed that, in addition to the Breathing practice, I was continuing to be able to decrease back and neck pain while increasing my strength just by adjusting things in millimeter increments and a few degree rotations.  All of this has lead me to the next Challenge of my Quest: to become a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

I love leading mini workouts for staff at work.  It started very informally as just a small handful of the dietary kitchen staff joining me for a few minutes holding plank pose or doing wall sits.  And it has morphed to a full 10-15 minute routine with balance work, stretching, and some cardio as well. More departments have come to join us on occasion, and I figured I better get some formal training.

This girl needs a guild!

I start the 10 week online program today, offered through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and eagerly await all the new secrets and codes I will uncover as we go.

By the end of it, maybe I’ll be officially ready to take on some clients of my own, outside of work!  Perhaps I’ll need some of these to help get people moving…


I signed up


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